Students Teach Themselves to Become Excellent Readers With Digital Tools and Videos

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More than 100 years of scientific reading research and reading studies, including brain imaging studies, have conclusively proven that learning to read proficiently requires learning the 26 letters of the alphabet, the 44 sounds those letters represent and the 70 common ways to spell them. Millions of parents and their children are experiencing suffering, frustration and agony each day because their children lack competent reading skills. In many cases our children in the United States are completely illiterate or functionally illiterate even though many of them have been in public schools for years. Both parents and children witness the humiliation and pain of not being successful in the school, home and community because a majority of them are non-readers or poor readers.

​​​Mr. Robert W. Sweet Jr - Right​
Dr. Reginald Oxendine Sr. Left
Mr Sweet is the Founder and President of the National Right to Read Foundation. He is recognized as the nation’s authority on phonics and reading, He has testified before Congress, state education committees, local school boards, and parent groups promoting reading instructional programs that are empirically valid. During his more than 20 years of federal service he has written extensive legislation reports on reading instruction in the US.
Dr. Oxendine is the President and CEO of Arrow Educational Solutions